Today is the day for customer service’s paper. Reach there 5 mins before the exam starts at 2pm. It was ok in the section A. Things went wrong in section B. Still I hope for the best. ><
Feeling superb upset for today’s paper. Wanted to talk to him online cause I know it’s not cheap for him to reply my sms. International sms ma. Sigh. Perhaps I should really go and get a sg sim card. Gonna ask zy about it later on.
Mama ask me to search about something online. I saw his msn title. I know he’s sad. How I wish I could online and cheer him up. =( But I can’t cause I need to study for tomorrow’s paper. I even call jie’s hp ask her to talk to him on msn. Jie should be able to cheer him up since jie so creative. But he went off not long after I call jie on phone. I even spammed him with sms cause I didn’t know he’s busy settling things. How stupid I am. >< Later on received his sms telling he’s busy settling things and ask me to concentrate on my studies for tomorrow’s paper. I feel so bad and stupid. I’m so worried about him. T.T
P/s: I love you this much :p
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