Thursday, March 15, 2007

Haunted House~~

tuesday morning went college around 10:15am...then straight run up to mock-up room...and found that no one is inside the mock-up room....however, i saw Rains not long after that...and she was actually boiling eggs in the THM Kitchen...then i heard alot of sound coming from Room 2.01...and went to see wat is going on...then saw ah goh and kuen yee...everyone dressed so funny...therefore, before anything start, ive taken some pictures with ah goh them...they was acting ghost in their created "Haunted Room"~~

Here are some photos I took~~

Firdaus Dress As A Hollow Man Tat Drags Soul~~Scary~~

Firdaus With His Gf Puteri~~

Me & The Sexy Devil~~xD *Two Joey*

Me & Ah Goh~~

Me & The Pretty Witch Kuen Yee~~

Goh & Kuen Yee

Tats all for now~~cheers ppl ^^


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM


    kazu ureali looks funny inside tat pic

  2. haha...he have order to have the effect in the hauted if u think he reli looks like one...means hes success xD

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous10:51 PM

    sorry for the 2 deleted comments...
    technical problem XD

    if kazu is reading this...
    u looks perfect in that costume...
    cheer ^^

    if kazu doesnt read this bloggie...
    help me to tell him to read..
