Thursday, March 8, 2007


just finish watching the last episode of suzuka~~and finally in this episode...she admit her feelings towards yamato-kun...however, the death of kazuki-kun really cause her alot of pain...this last episode is really the nicest episode to watch...and i starting to know why hola like suzuka this character so much...and it is really like how he says about suzuka...tat suzuka is cool...very cool indeed...

yesterday...2 of my fren broke up...*i wont specify the name, but u both know who im saying* it is sad to know but i already tried to help but in the end fails too...wat will happend...alr there is nth i can do anymore...glad to know they still able to remain as best frens...^^

yesterday in college....i met ah goh and we both talked alot...he keep on pursuing me to confess...he says at least ill get an answer but not just wait blindly~~even some of them just say "just confess"~~ but i really dono....i always think alot...those who knows me well...know im a thinker~~haha...puga says tat its because u think too thing cant use brain to think...we must use our heart to decide, not the brain to decide...however, i still nid time to think about it over and over again~~

about andrew...i know he treat me very nice...if i accept him, he will really treat me very good...but unfortunately...yesterday he gave me a feeling somehow hes not the one im looking for...perhaps ill just still young mar rite? i got plenty of time to wait...untill i met the one for me...ppls...just wish me luck ^^

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:59 PM

    mm~ still as good frenzzz~~ haha~

    well~~ it's up to u to confess or not~ yupe~ still got loads of time~ ^^
